Indraneel Yeole, Masters student, The University of Queensland
The aim of AMSI Winter School 2021 is to develop the next generation of mathematical scientists to work in the exciting field of statistical data science. Our impressive line-up of expert speakers will build knowledge in this field, and introduce students to cutting edge research and methodologies.
Hosted by Queensland University of Technology this winter, the School is designed for postgraduate students and early-career researchers in the mathematical sciences and cognate disciplines. Students and early-career researchers working specifically in this area are encouraged to attend: however, the school is also a great opportunity for those working in other areas of the mathematical sciences to strengthen their mathematics toolkit.
Partner with AMSI Winter School and support the future of mathematical sciences in Australia.
AMSI wishes to acknowledge the generous donation of time and scientific/operational
advice of the following committees, without their contribution this event would not be a success.